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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1530

Chapter 1530: This Sense of Security is Through the Roof

Tristan remained silent, directly cradling the thermos bowl, and finished off the last sip of soup.

"Hey!" Monica reached out but couldn't stop him in time. He tilted his head back and emptied the bowl.

Monica didn't have time to feel embarrassed, rather, she felt somewhat apologetic, "Why are you doing this to yourself? There's no flavor at all, you could choose not to drink it!"

"Lacking salt doesn't affect the nutritional value. This is the first time you've brewed soup, how could I not drink it? It's such an honor," Tristan put down the bowl and spoon, wiped the corners of his lips with a napkin, then took her hand, "Come sit here, I have something to say."

"What is it?"

Monica sat down next to him, looking at him nervously, "Am I disturbing you? I didn't make an appointment, and your schedule must be packed, right?"

Tristan shook his head with a smile, "Not at all, you can come find me anytime. I'll let the front desk know."

"..." Facing the man's deep and gentle gaze, she couldn't help but smile!

Tristan gently looked at her and said seriously, "Monica, if any woman tries to disrupt our relationship, or if she makes you feel uncomfortable, or you feel she has ill intentions, or even if you think she's a rival in love, an admirer of mine, you have to tell me."

"Huh?" To be honest, Monica didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

"If anyone makes you unhappy or uncomfortable, you must tell me. Don't handle it yourself," Tristan explained, "Like the woman downstairs just now, did any of her words upset you?"


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