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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1534

Chapter 1534: Tristan Plans a Meeting

The gaze between them was slightly intense, carrying a hint of suppressed urgency. Rowan Watson finally saw the woman he had been longing for day and night. She had lost weight, which made his heart inexplicably tighten once again.

Claire's eyes brimmed with unshed tears. The smile she wore was as immaculate as untouched white canvas. Rowan Watson couldn't hold back anymore. He reached out to grasp her wrist, pulling her into the room and closing the door behind them. He gently pinned her against the door and kissed her passionately.

This kiss was filled with long suppressed longing, self-blame, and helplessness. Claire wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, crying as they kissed...

At Clarke Corp, Tristan had just finished dealing with a mountain of files on his desk. He picked up his phone and dialed a number, which connected after a short while.

"Mr. Swain," Tristan was very formal during work hours, "Are you free tonight?"

"Why are you calling me Mr. Swain again? What, do you want to talk about work?" Algerone Swain guessed as soon as he heard Tristan's voice. After all, they had signed a contract to develop a new property together after the New Year.

"Yes," Tristan heard his tone and assumed he was free, so he continued, "I was thinking of having dinner tonight. The property development is a three-way collaboration, so it would be good to introduce you to the other partner. I have a preliminary plan that I thought we could discuss over dinner."

"A three-way collaboration?" Algerone Swain heard this for the first time, "Does it involve the Marsh Group?" He assumed that a collaboration between Clarke Corp and Marsh would be a straightforward affair.

"No, no," Tristan laughed, "My brother-in-law and I are not planning to collaborate at the moment. Both our companies are developing steadily and he is currently focusing on the internet sector, so he's not interested in property development."

"Alright, what time tonight?" Algerone Swain agreed readily.

"Seven o'clock, at Riddle House."

"Alright, I'll be there on time."

"See you tonight, then. You go ahead with your work." Tristan waited for him to hang up first, paying attention to every detail.


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