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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1544

Chapter 1544: Rowan Watson has Double Pressure

Just like that, Monica's smile became even brighter. She then turned her gaze away, leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked.

"Monica, how did you think of becoming a piano teacher?" Tristan asked. He was a bit reluctant, "I was planning to invite you to my company and let Kevin pick ten positions for you to choose from."

"Because I don't want to work in a company," Monica answered directly. "I don't want to struggle in the workplace at all. Being a boiling frog in warm water is boring, becoming a strong woman is meaningless, I can't find my value in life, maybe people have different ambitions?"

Belinda is a living example, being busy and successful in her career, but neglecting her family, leading to divorce. Growing up in a single-parent environment, she hoped for a complete and warm family in the future.

Tristan could understand this. He didn't press, stroking her smooth hair, "Everyone has their own dreams, being a piano teacher is also quite good. I support you."

"Thank you!" Monica gave him a big smile and shared an idea, "After I gain some teaching experience, I will teach the children in the welfare home to play the piano!"

Tristan saw her kind side again. This quality makes a person shine, Tristan really loved her more and more.

He said, "We can sponsor gifted children, or give them the choice of private schools, let them receive better education, as long as Mr. Adams agrees."


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