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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1546

Chapter 1546 Claire Gets Drunk

Claire shook her head with a smile, "I don't usually drink, but I really want to now." She was feeling blue and wanted to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

"Cheers!" Seeing everyone with a drink in hand, Claire stood, "Here's to you, and here's to us!"

Everyone stood and clinked glasses, "May we all be happy! Cheers!"

A hotpot meal was a confession to winter, and also a ritual for snowy days. Rowan Watson had a gentle demeanor and spent the whole time quietly accompanying Claire. Claire ate hotpot and drank four cans of beer, her face always adorned with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

This was her first time drinking. Her cheeks and neck had turned red, but this tipsy feeling made her happy. Tristan and Monica chatted with Claire, sensing her long-repressed emotions and trying to help her vent.

However, Claire concealed her inner sadness behind her smiles, acting cheerful throughout the evening. She didn't want her friends to worry about her. Meanwhile, a series of overseas calls from Lurayoka kept hitting Rowan Watson's phone, which was on silent.

About two hours later, everyone had their fill. As Claire stood up, her steps faltered and she fell towards Rowan Watson, who quickly caught her, "Be careful!"

"I'm okay..." Claire's head was spinning. She had taken off her down jacket because the hotpot dinner made her feel too hot. Rowan Watson intended to help her put it back on, and Monica also came over to help, "Claire, you are really drunk. Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"I'm fine, I still remember who you are. You are Monica, Tristan's girlfriend." Claire was a little hot and dizzy, her thoughts drifting, and she felt a bit sleepy. "I also remember who I am." Her speech was a bit slurred, "I am Claire, a woman who would do anything for love. I can be without money, but I cannot be without love."

Monica helped her put on her jacket, looking at her rosy cheeks, those cute little dimples were really attractive!


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