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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554: The Result of Following All The Way

At this moment, outside the lobby of the main building of Swain Group, a luxurious black Bentley was parked.

The door was already open, and two bodyguards in black stood waiting by the door.

Soon, the well-dressed Algerone and a middle-aged woman came out of the lobby. They chatted as they walked, followed by seven or eight company executives.

Having just finished a meeting, they completed the signing of a contract with this woman.

"Ms. Janice, are you going to the jewelry mall now?" Algerone had just heard her take a phone call.

The woman stopped and turned to look at him. "Yes."

Algerone happened to have time, so he asked, "Or I can have my driver take you there?"

"It would be even better if Mr. Swain accompanied me," the middle-aged woman said with a smile, joking, "Would you oblige?"

Algerone thought about it and readily agreed, "Sure, please get in the car!"

The woman looked at him in surprise. "Really?" She had wanted to ask him to go together, but was afraid he was too busy to agree, and didn't want to lose face by asking directly.

She didn't expect that he would actually agree.

Janice's eyes, full of smiles, narrowed for a moment. "That's great then." She got into his car, and Algerone got in too.

The bodyguard closed the car door, and the driver quickly drove away.

Not far away in another car, Belinda, who was sitting in the driver's seat, witnessed it all from Algerone and that woman coming out of the lobby.

At this moment, the smile on her face disappeared little by little.

As a proud woman, she had gotten up early in the freezing cold this morning to buy ingredients and spent two hours cooking in the kitchen. She was overjoyed to bring the freshly cooked chicken soup to him.

But he... was chatting and laughing with another woman as they left together!

How could Belinda not get angry with her temper?!


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