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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1557

Chapter 1557 Go find the savior

Monica had seen this message too, but there wasn't much information she could get from it.

Rowan's original text was as follows:

Some things can't be explained in a sentence or two. You must wait for me to come back. I will deal with it as soon as possible.

Seeing her anxious yet helpless look, Monica felt very distressed, and didn't know how to comfort her for a moment.

She just silently accompanied her.

"He must have run into trouble." Claire sighed softly, put down her phone and picked up her teacup. Her eyes were filled with sadness, "I don't know if there's anything I can do for him."

"You can." Monica's gaze fell on her. "Wait here for him to come back, take good care of yourself, and believe in him unconditionally."

That's right, maybe that's the only thing she could do now.

Claire recalled what Rowan had said to her during their walk last night -

"Claire, no matter what happens, I will steadfastly walk towards you, on all sides of you. Remember this sentence, wait for me."

She suddenly froze, feeling a piercing pain in her heart!

"Monica." She realized belatedly, looking at Monica nervously, "He was saying goodbye to me last night! He had a premonition about what would happen today!"

"What?" Monica asked, "Saying goodbye last night?"

"Yes, it's just... I didn't take it to heart." Claire regretted it so much. She really should have hugged him tight. "He told me to wait for him, but... but I didn't react much at the time, didn't think too deeply about it at all."

Thinking of this, Claire really regretted it immensely, her intestines twisted in remorse.


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