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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1566

Chapter 1566 Queen Katharine Makes Her Appearance

Lu Layuoka.

This was an exceptionally prosperous country, with towering skyscrapers everywhere.

Its rise was entirely dependent on underground diamonds. Since diamond mining began, it had been internationally recognized as a modern nouveau riche country, becoming the aspiration of many.

Historically, it had low and conquered eras, as well as peak periods of ruling the world. Currently it was in a particularly stable and prosperous development.

Because of the diamonds, trade, finance, aviation and tourism had all developed rapidly. Nowadays, luxury cars like Lamborghinis were everywhere.

Here, 90% of the people were beautiful rich people, and every building exhibited extreme luxury and technological sense.

Especially the huge royal architectural complex, combining preserved ancient castles and modernized buildings, serving as both family residences and national headquarters, was extremely majestic and solemn.

Five helicopters slowly landed in this architectural complex, stopping in front of the king's palace.

The cabin door opened.

Rowan, with his hands tied behind his back, was led off the helicopter, followed by a group of cold-faced guards.

Here, for Rowan, there was a kind of long-lost familiarity, but the last time he stood on this land, it seemed to be a matter of the last century.

So distant that he could not remember the scene that day.

Rowan's deep and profound dark eyes looked straight ahead, and the contours of his chin were inherently noble. He was not afraid at all. He knew what had happened, and his eyes contained a hint of sadness.

After getting off the plane, they took him directly to the historically ancient castle in front.

Royal guards could be seen everywhere, exhibiting solemnity.

Not far away, near a pillar, a blue uniformed short-haired woman stood there, her knee-high white boots very dazzling.

She stared expressionlessly at this scene, clearly seeing Rowan's face.

Until their backs disappeared at the door of the king's palace, after a long while, this woman came back to her senses, then turned and left.


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