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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1574

Chapter 1574 A Pleasant Afternoon

Monica obediently closed her eyes and started using her imagination as he suggested, picturing a sea in front of her...

Tristan stopped talking, just tightly holding her hand. He also had his eyes closed, seeming to transmit a force to her invisibly.

Gradually, Monica's heart calmed down, ignoring all the terrified, thrilling screams around them.

Although she could feel the height they were swinging to, with him by her side, Monica felt extremely reassured.

It felt as if he was with her on a swing by the seaside, facing the gentle sea breeze, leaning against each other, so comfortable.

After a few minutes, the pirate ship's arc gradually decreased until it came to a stop.

Getting off the pirate ship, Monica was even more bold. She pulled Tristan along to accompany her on the rollercoaster and various thrilling rides.

Tristan accompanied her the whole time without refusing once. He was mentally tough, as long as she was willing, he had the time anyway.

"Come with me to the haunted house, okay?" Monica finally dragged him to the haunted house. They didn't need tickets here either. She looked at him excitedly.

Seeing the girl panting with excitement, Tristan's lips curled up. "Let's go." He put his arm around her shoulders and strode towards the haunted house. "I heard this is extremely terrifying, level 10."

"It's okay, with you here, I'm not afraid!" She felt very reassured.

Half an hour later.

"Ahhh-! Don't come over!"

Monica screamed as she dragged Tristan to flee outside, running out to an open area. Then she turned and threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly, "Wow! This is too realistic!"

"How realistic?" Tristan stroked her head and jokingly asked, "Have you seen a ghost before?"

"No, not really." The girl looked up at him and smiled. She had played so thrillingly today! Very happy!

"Is it going to snow?"


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