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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1579

Chapter 1579 - Freedom is Not in Your Dictionary

Taylor frowned in boredom and asked impatiently, "What's the matter?" He didn't pay much attention to her, despite being the center of attention in front of his mother.

"Good day, Your Highness." Julie stood still in front of him, saluting respectfully and speaking coldly and seriously, "The queen has something to discuss with you. Please accompany me to her residence."

"What's the matter? Can't you tell me first?" Taylor showed little interest. "I'm tired and need to rest."

The woman had no extra expression on her face and replied respectfully, "It's an important matter, a big matter, and it concerns you. The queen says you must go."

With his hands in his pockets, Taylor raised an eyebrow and sighed, "How big of a matter can it be? Is the sky falling?" he quipped, but still started walking towards his mother's palace.

"Almost." Julie followed behind him.

Taylor glanced back at her and found it quite ridiculous! He couldn't believe the sky was falling Taylor quickened his pace, and Julie followed suit, afraid that he might break his word and run away.

The Queen's palace was large, styled like a Western castle, outwardly magnificent but with a touch of modernity inside.

Katharine, who had a passion for design, had made improvements to the castle's style. The king favored her, so there was no resistance to her ideas. Her palace was the most fashionable among all the palaces.

Two large peacock decorations adorned the entrance, adding beauty and significance.

Taylor's steps were fast, not because he was anxious, but because he wanted to shake off Julie.

He also wanted to quickly finish meeting his mother and then return to his own palace to sleep. He was accustomed to a life of freedom and laziness.

Julie, who had always been agile in her steps, was having trouble keeping up with him. Fortunately, he entered the Queen's palace, and she thought, "Finally, this ancestor has been found!"

"Mother! What do you want with me?!" As soon as Taylor entered the door, he rushed inside. Familiar with the layout of this labyrinth-like luxurious house, he loudly shouted, "Mother! What do you want? I'm here! Where are you?"


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