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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584: I'm Sorry, Father

When Rowan heard this, his expression was calm and his heart was tranquil. He had no interest in the royal inheritance rights. However, he cared about the whereabouts of his sister Princess Annie... She had been missing for so many years, where was she? Was she dead or alive?

The king's gaze fell on Rowan, his eyes a bit stern and cold, staring at him steadily and somewhat annoyed by his expression.

Everyone was waiting for the king's response.

"Yes," the king's voice was cold as he said, "If Prince Louis insists on giving up the right of succession, Princess Annie would become the first heir. If Princess Annie gave it up too, then Prince Taylor would become the first heir."

What was this about?

Katharine almost wanted to curse!

So it seemed Taylor was third in line?

Princess Annie? Everyone looked at each other, whispering about this person that most had forgotten existed. Princess Annie disappeared during an outing when she was three years old, and Queen Elsa had been bedridden with illness ever since... eventually passing away from grief.

Louis had been found after leaving the royal family for years, what if this Princess Annie came back one day too!

Then Taylor's position would become more uncertain.

This made Katharine, as the mother, feel uneasy, as if she had been hit on the head!

The king was in poor health and could not sit for long. He had summoned everyone today and announced what needed to be announced.

So the king looked around at everyone and spoke again, "You're all dismissed, go take care of your duties. Louis, you stay, everyone else leave."

Katharine wanted to speak but held back, as everyone else bowed and began heading out.

Katharine and Taylor deliberately glanced at Rowan before leaving, remembering the face of this number one enemy.

Eden noticed the expressions of this mother and son. After everyone left, he and Arthur also stepped out.


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