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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1587

Chapter 1587: Why Did He Want to Buy Flowers?

"Lilies, daphne, lily of the valley, iris, five pots of each," Rowan said, pointing at a row of flower racks. "And hydrangeas, wind chimes too."

"Okay." The guard followed him with a tablet, carefully taking notes.

While writing, he couldn't help glancing at Rowan. A big question mark appeared in his mind. This Prince Louis looked quite masculine, how could he like flowers?

He was tall and muscular, not effeminate at all?

"They don't have red bamboo, tulips or daisies here." After taking a round, Rowan frowned slightly, a bit disappointed.

He turned around and said to them, "How about this - let's not look here for now. First take these back, then I'll give you another list. Just buy everything on it."

"Yes, Prince."

On the way back, the guards were puzzled.

They wondered - was Prince Louis' orientation okay?

How could a grown man like such tender flowers?

Sitting by the window holding a tablet, he was recording what else to buy, and would jot down a flower name when he thought of one.

In the guards' eyes, Prince Louis seemed very knowledgeable about flowers. Many names on the tablet were unheard of to them.

"That's all for now. Please make sure to get everything on the list," he said, handing over the tablet. "I need them this afternoon, to decorate my palace and garden. I'll give you a layout so you can put the sturdy ones outside."

"Does the prince like flowers a lot?" One guard couldn't help asking. "This exceeds our royal annual purchase. Only the princesses usually like them."

"The desire for beauty lies in all. Seeing blooming flowers naturally puts me in a good mood. They represent hope," Rowan said, looking at him with a calm and gentle voice.

With this explanation, it was understandable that Prince Louis loved life.


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