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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591: Successfully Entering the Palace

"Will Ivan agree to help us? Can we become friends even if the deal goes through?" Julie still had her worries.

Katherine's lips curled up as if victory was at hand. She admired her newly done nails, "Relationships take time to nurture, don't they? And everything must be done step-by-step. I do have some experience handling men."

With her beauty, Julie believed that. But she wasn't sure if those tactics would work on Ivan.

What they didn't know was that Ivan and Prince Louis were best friends.

Soon, Ivan's special licensed car was let through directly at the main gate of the royal palace.

The gate guards even saluted them respectfully.

Sitting in the car entering palace grounds, Claire couldn't help but look out the window. It was the first time in her life entering a castle. Witnessing those buildings in person was extremely shocking.

As far as the eye could see, the majestic grand castles made her feel awestruck.

This was the beauty of history, the inheritance of culture. Having withstood the winds and rains for over a hundred years, yet still standing tall.

For a writer, such beauty was absolutely soul-stirring.

But Claire had no mind to appreciate it. After the initial shock, she pulled back her thoughts and started looking for Rowan with her eyes.

Which palace might he be staying at?

Would she get to see him on this palace visit?

Claire also secretly memorized the route the car took. She had to do her utmost to remember this place.

Just as her eyes found nothing, the car stopped in front of a palace. She also snapped back to attention.

Someone came up quickly to greet them and opened the car door, bowing respectfully, "Welcome, Ivan."

Although this was the royal palace, Ivan's stature internationally could still be seen.

"Greetings Ivan. Welcome on your long trip!"


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