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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1595

Chapter 1595: Just a Cover

As the servant bowed and left, Rowan said to Claire, "Please come in and sit. There are some minor techniques and experience involved in raising flowers after all." His tone was still cool and distant.

"I love gardenias. I couldn't grow them well at first either, but with time and experience, I got the hang of it. Different varieties have different survival rates."

The servant's footsteps faded away.

Claire looked at Rowan with a smile, her emotions already complicated...

Rowan turned and strode into the palace, feeling the same whirlwind inside.

Claire followed him in, gazing at his tall, straight back. Her heart ached for him.

Was there no one trustworthy by his side in this deep palace?

Rowan halted in the middle of the hall and knitted his brows, displeased, worried for her, also puzzled how she had gotten in.

Most of all, he missed her and was trying to restrain himself...

Claire stopped a meter behind him. She knew he was angry.

In a soft voice she explained, "Ivan came, he's at the royal palace. I came in with him. I wouldn't have come in otherwise."

Rowan whipped around in shock and astonishment!

"He wanted me to understand your circumstances," Claire continued.

Their eyes locked intensely. Rowan had no time to delay, so he told her directly, "I only grow flowers as a cover. Two-thirds are ornamentals, one-third medicinal herbs. My father was poisoned with a slow-acting toxin, it's been going on for five years."

Since she came with Ivan, she must know of his identity already.

As he spoke, Rowan walked over to the table. Claire didn't know what he was doing and just followed a few steps. She saw him pick up paper and pen.

He went on, "I have to stay and help him detox first. His organs have started failing. I still need to find the culprit and root out the poison in this royal house. So I won't be returning to Arkpool City for now. You all take care of yourselves."

"How can we help you?" Claire said softly. "I've been learning Arabic lately. Does that skill allow me to stay?"


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