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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1597

Chapter 1597 Katharine Nearly Explodes With Rage

Overall the discussion had gone quite pleasantly.

Because Katharine wanted to befriend Ivan, as the client she was very easy to talk to, and did not ask any tricky questions.

Until Julie's phone rang, she took out her phone, glanced at the caller ID, and walked to the side to take the call away from everyone else.

Listening with a stern face to what the other party said, her brow furrowed slightly. "Okay, I understand, I'll pass it on immediately."

After hanging up, she walked over to Queen Katharine and whispered something in the queen's ear.

Katharine looked at her in puzzlement, not saying anything, but she understood in her heart.

"Your Majesty, are you rather busy?" Ivan was very perceptive, and felt he had fought for enough time for Claire, so he spoke up, "I think the inspection here is just about done. How about we give you some design drafts within a week?"

"Alright, thank you for your hard work." Katharine had to leave now, because she had more important matters to attend to.

So as the group headed back, they chatted.

Katharine said, "I've arranged a welcoming banquet for you all tonight, so Lu Layuoka royalty can welcome you and your team. I hope you will grace us with your presence."

"Definitely." Ivan smiled and replied. Of course he wouldn't leave so quickly. He still had to find a way to stay and gather intel.

Katharine had Julie send them back first to rest in the arranged palace, and had even specially arranged a separate floor for Ivan.

The hospitality services of this Diamond Kingdom were quite good.

Katharine did not return immediately to her own palace. She went straight to Taylor's residence. As soon as she entered the door, she was already storming in furiously.

"Your Majesty," the servants quickly bowed, without any time to go in and announce her arrival.

"Taylor!" Katharine called her son's name, rushing straight into the innermost room, and sure enough caught her son playing games at his desk.


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