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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1606

Chapter 1606: Pleasure to Meet You

"Of course." Taylor was naturally delighted to receive her response. "I'm eager to hear it. I'm all ears."

He raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, then took the empty glass from her hand and placed it on the tray carried by a passing waiter, saying, "Hello, two glasses of red wine, please. Thank you."

"Alright, Your Highness. I'll bring them to you right away." The waiter bowed to him and quickly left.

"You're a prince?" Claire asked intentionally.

Taylor nodded with a smile, hoping that this status would score him some points.

In a moment, the waiter brought the wine over. Taylor took two glasses from the tray and gentlemanly handed one to Claire.

"Thank you." She received it with both hands.

"Miss Russell, what do you do for a living?" Taylor asked, his appreciative gaze fixed on her. "Can you reveal that?"

Claire originally wanted to say that she was a freelancer and a writer.

But then she thought again and answered like this:

"I'm still a student. I'm currently interning at my brother's company, and in my free time, I write novels and publish them online." As she spoke, she glanced at Ivan, who was accompanying the king not far away.

Taylor was quite satisfied with this answer because his mother had said the same thing.

Earlier, he had been probing, but now he had completely let his guard down against her.

But when he heard the words "writing novels," Taylor became interested. "Is Miss Russell's dream to become a writer?"

Claire answered him with a smile.

And that smile directly infected Taylor.

He felt that this girl was like a ray of sunshine, her smile radiating light, her eyes also filled with light.


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