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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1612

Chapter 1612 Taylor's Intentions Lie Elsewhere

On the first day, Claire only got a general understanding of the situation on the king's side. She had no opportunity to collect food residue.

She also didn't know where the kitchen that prepared the king's meals was, still under observation.

This palace was very large, with seven floors and seven or eight elevators.

The king didn't know Claire's identity yet, so he didn't give her more opportunities to get close to him.

He only knew she was Ivan's sister, and Ivan was helping Louis, he'd have to talk to Rowan in detail first before making conclusions.

Now, every step taken by everyone was cautious.

Today, Ivan was still staying in the royal court. He and the architects had another in-depth discussion with Queen Katharine about building the castle park.

Queen Katharine was very satisfied with their professionalism, the designs aligned with her aesthetics.

This made Katharine even more certain that she and Ivan were kindred spirits, destined to become friends one day.

She even took time to give them a tour of the royal grounds, treating them completely as VIPs.

Ivan probed the situation here, and talked about the king's diet... because he also thought poisoning through food was a strong possibility.

"The king's meals are very regular. I join him whenever I have time, he loves eating fish the most," Katharine was happy to share with him. "But for the sake of his health, we haven't traveled for a long time now." This was to show how favored she was.

"Your relationship seems great, really envious. Who's usually in charge of his meals? I mean the menus." Ivan added the last part so as not to raise suspicion.

"He takes care of it himself, the flavors are different every day. After he makes his selection, it's handed over to Eden, who will arrange it."

So the king's meals were Eden's responsibility?

Ivan had made some progress on this end as well.

Early evening.

Taylor came to the king's palace in the glow of sunset. The servant at the door greeted him, "Good evening, Prince."


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