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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1619

Chapter 1619 Succeeding in Sending Out the Samples

"I collected some food samples from the kitchen this morning," she said eagerly.

Ivan's eyes lit up, so quickly?

"But we're facing two problems now. First, how do I give the samples to him? I always feel like someone is watching me," Claire voiced her concerns, "Second, once he gets the samples, he doesn't have any equipment. How can he determine if there's poison just by looking?"

"I'm planning to go back to Arkpool City. After practicing medicine for so many years, he should be able to find a way to preserve these samples now," Ivan believed in him.

But Claire couldn't help worrying still.

"Don't worry, I'll sneak his equipment over without anyone noticing," Ivan said with a relaxed smile, "I've been waiting for your news. I didn't expect you to be so efficient, exceeding my expectations."

She smiled slightly too.

"I got caught by someone this morning, luckily Prince Taylor showed up in time to defuse the situation," Claire recalled, still feeling uneasy about it.

Hearing this, Ivan also broke out in a cold sweat for her.

He said, "Then you have to be more careful from now on. Use Prince Taylor when necessary, I can tell he likes you."

"Okay," Claire nodded. She took out the handkerchief from her pocket, "Now that we're here, how do we send it?"

Ivan looked at the various small handkerchiefs she was holding and calmly contemplated.

Then, his eagle-like eyes scanned the room, finally landing on a potted plant.

He thought, this might be a good way.

Following his gaze, an idea came to Claire's mind, "Give him this potted plant?"

"Yes, go find a box or bag to package the handkerchiefs," he said.


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