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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623 - He Guessed He Would Ask Eventually

Later they found out that recently too many women had come to see Prince Louis.

An average of several waves every day.

And Prince Louis treated them coldly, regardless of whether the other party was beautiful or their status.

"How strange, doesn't he want to be king? He doesn't even try to win over the officials after just returning to the royal family?"

"He's really indifferent to fame and fortune."

"Maybe he's a bit dumb."

The girls were puzzled and discussed privately.

Rowan gave people a feeling of being aloof from worldly affairs. He did not make any move to win over any forces, and spent most of his time hiding in his own palace, gardening and raising grass.

So no one could figure out what he was thinking, even Katharine felt very confused.

But since he had invited an Arab doctor to take a look, he was very hopeful that the King's health could recover, he was a very filial son.

But whether he had ulterior motives, others could not judge.

Moreover, most people also knew about the king's illness, and there was probably no chance of recovery...

The king's abdication was only a matter of time, and everyone was watching the palace closely.

The green roof of Prince Louis' palace.

The servants brought in fruit plates and pastries, as well as wine and tea, then bowed and retreated.

Rowan and Arthur leaned against the railing. The table and chairs behind them were still in their original positions.

"Do you still remember this place?" Rowan leaned his hands on the railing and squinted to gaze into the distance.

Arthur also leaned his hands on the railing, glanced at him, smiled and looked into the distance, "Of course I remember."


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