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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1625

Chapter 1625 - A Little Warmth Before the New Year

Arkpool City.

It was New Year's Eve tonight. Every household was joyful and lively. Many companies and shopping malls had also put up window decorations with red lanterns hanging everywhere. The festive atmosphere was thick.

It had snowed heavily again last night. The entire world was covered in silver dressings and romance was displayed between the earth and sky.

The servants were hanging red lanterns in the yard of the prized land of Emerald Bay. Alfie and Diana were happily helping out. This was the first year they were spending with Daddy since being reunited, very different from before.

"Hang it higher! Brother, higher! Be careful!"

"Wow! So pretty! It lit up!"

"Brother, let me hang one too!"

The children's laughter was melodious to the ear. The servants helped them while also ensuring the siblings' safety.

Aubree came out from the living room wearing a purple down jacket, holding two small scarves. "Kids, come here, wrap a scarf first so your neck doesn't get cold!"

Ever since accepting these children, they had become the apple of her eye. She worried about them all the time.

Worried they would get cold or hungry, worried they would get hurt or trip, and worried if the children were in low spirits.

"Grandma, look! We're helping hang lanterns!" Diana happily ran over and pointed, "See! Brother and I hung that one. Does it look good?"

"Very good, very good." Aubree had a kindly smile on her face. She wrapped a red scarf around the little girl's neck, "But be sure not to catch a cold."

"I won't, Grandma! Will Daddy come back to celebrate New Year with us?" Diana blinked her pretty eyes and frowned, "Where is Lu Layuoka? Is he very far away?"

"Not far, not far. Daddy has a plane that will get him here quick!" Aubree smiled and told her, "Daddy just called a while ago. He said he will definitely come back to celebrate New Year with you."


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