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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1628

Chapter 1628 A Deep Connection

Jennifer took a sip of milk and smiled at her, explaining, "I'm reading medical books."

"Still studying diligently?" Aubree recalled her medical skills. Without her, she wouldn't have recovered to how she was now, so she was truly grateful to Jennifer in her heart, "But you should balance work and rest too. You're pregnant now."

"Thank you for your concern, Mom. I'll remember that." Jennifer smiled and took another sip of milk, "The flavor is a bit strong today, quite tasty."

"I made it for you today, I specially added two more spoonfuls of milk." Aubree looked at her fondly, treating her like her own daughter, "I remember you said yesterday the flavor was a bit light."

Such a simple sentence, yet her mother-in-law remembered it in her heart?

Jennifer held the milk cup, smiling brightly and gently at her. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship was getting better and better.

"Jennifer, Mom still wants to say sorry to you." Aubree suddenly became serious.

Jennifer didn't quite understand what she meant. She looked at Aubree and listened to her say lightly, "At the beginning, Mom didn't understand you. Not only was I against you, but I also caused physical and psychological harm to you. I'm really sorry."

At the beginning?

But hadn't that been settled long ago?

"Mom..." Jennifer was suddenly at a loss for words. She smiled awkwardly and said, "That's all in the past, isn't it? We... shook hands and made up long ago. Why bring it up suddenly..."

"Whenever I think of how good you are, I'm filled with regret."

Aubree sighed heavily, also becoming somber, "Without you, Ivan wouldn't have been able to start a family or have such lovely children. And I wouldn't have recovered either. Our family looks like a symbol of power but was actually full of problems. It's gradually becoming warmer because of you."

Aubree looked at her gratefully and sincerely said, "Jennifer, you are a blessing to the Marsh family. You're the good fortune we accumulated over lifetimes. I'm really very grateful to you."


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