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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1634

Chapter 1634: Seeking the Antidote

In the field of pharmaceutical research, no matter how intelligent and capable Ivan was, he couldn't really be of any help. It was a domain he had never been involved in.

Standing by and waiting, silently accompanying her, he once again began to admire this woman, and his love for her grew even stronger.

After all, Jennifer was Rowan's master, so she was quite knowledgeable in the field of pharmaceutical research.

She was organized and every move she made was steady, using precise instruments to test whether the food samples brought back from afar were poisoned.

Ivan crossed his arms and leaned against the corner of a nearby table, his admiring gaze always fixed on his wife.

This seemingly delicate woman always possessed a tremendous amount of energy.

As if sensing his intense gaze, Jennifer prepared the equipment while turning her gaze towards him. "What are you doing?"

His lips curled up, a smile filling his deep eyes. He always felt that this woman had a power capable of enchanting his heart.

Jennifer couldn't help but laugh. "You're already a father, don't act like a love-struck fool." She withdrew her gaze and focused on her research.

To avoid distracting her, Ivan picked up a book on medical research and turned around, engrossed in reading it.

The research lab was especially quiet.

Half an hour passed unnoticed.

While tidying up the workstation, Jennifer gave her conclusion, "These foods are not poisoned. They're safe."

Ivan closed the book in his hands, casually placing it down, and turned to look at her. "So, the person poisoning isn't the chef? That can be ruled out?"

"If the poisoning is still ongoing, we can eliminate the chef," Jennifer tidied up the instruments. "But if the poisoning has stopped and the previous poison was indeed caused by the chef?"

In reality, that possibility existed.

Lost in thought, Ivan pondered, "Who had contact with the food? They would have the possibility of poisoning. We need to examine the food served and make comparisons to be sure."


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