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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1659

Chapter 1659 Ivan Decides to Leave

"It's getting late, let's tidy up the things and go back to the room to sleep first." Ivan was very worried about her body, after all she was pregnant.

Jennifer was indeed tired, her eyes were a little strained, so she nodded, "Let's go." And left with him.

Everything on the table was left unsorted.

The moon set and the sun rose, and the snow in the yard of Emerald Bay began to melt. The second day of the first lunar month arrived.

The forecast said it would be a sunny day today.

In the morning, Ivan carried a small suitcase downstairs. At this time, a black off-road vehicle drove into the yard.

The person in the car got out and walked towards the living room, stopping at the door, and bowed respectfully to Ivan.

Ivan handed the suitcase to him. He nodded solemnly, then turned and left quickly.

There was not much communication throughout, everything had been explained over the phone.

Ivan was tall, he stood at the door with his hands in his pockets. The well-tailored suit looked particularly handsome on him.

Seeing the car leave, there was an innate arrogance and nobility in those deep eyes.

Soon, there were footsteps behind him, and he regained his senses and glanced back to see his wife coming downstairs.

"Dear, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Ivan took a step towards the stairs, and his gentle gaze fell on the woman's face, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Jennifer held on to the railing, stepping very steadily, "I slept quite soundly."

She looked out the window and saw the departing car, "Did you give him everything?"

"Yes." Ivan reached out to her.

Jennifer put her fingers in his palm, and he gently held them, then said to her, "Let me have breakfast with you first, then pick up Alfie and Diana and say goodbye to them properly."

Yes, Ivan was going to Lu Layeka.

Because everyone was worried about leaving Rowan alone there, it would always be more reassuring if Ivan went.


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