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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666 Taylor Panics

Taylor was incredibly self-confident about his good looks and prince status. Over the years, countless women had fallen for him.

He felt Claire would be one of them too, she was just being coy for now. As Taylor walked, his gaze lingered on her exquisite oriental side profile. Her perfect face was right up his alley aesthetically.

Right as they reached the palace gates, Taylor called out loudly to the servant at the door, "Quick, go to my palace and bring my backpack here!" As he spoke, his eyes followed Claire's retreating back. He raised his voice again, "There are some notebooks on the desk too! Bring those as well. I'm going to study here from now on!"

Hearing this, Claire stopped in her tracks and threw a glance back at him by the door. But Taylor just grinned goofily at her, seemingly glued to her.

Then he said to the servant, "Hey, go on, why are you still standing there? Do I need to repeat myself?"

"Yes, yes, Prince. Right away." The servant nodded profusely and hurried off.

"Childish," Claire muttered under her breath and continued on her way inside.

"Claire!" Taylor quickly caught up with her. With a big smile but serious tone, he declared, "From now on, I'll keep you company at work and study together with you. We'll strive forward together! And build a brighter future!"

"I can't communicate with you," Claire said without turning her head. "Because you simply don't understand what I'm saying." She was genuinely angry now.

"Don't reject me so quickly. I'm entitled to my feelings for you," Taylor matched her brisk pace, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Don't worry, I won't force you. I'll give you ample time."

"You can give me ten thousand years, it'll be useless. There's no possibility between us." She felt exhausted just speaking another sentence to him.

"No, no no, it's possible. Anything's possible, Claire. Trust me, I'll respect my inner feelings. I like you. I don't want to miss this chance. I can wait."

Hearing this, Claire nearly fainted!!


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