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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1670

Chapter 1670 Something That is Hard to Understand

At this time, Iden had already helped him pack up his schoolbag. "Prince, let's go."

The king only felt a pain in his chest! His complexion was also getting worse and worse!

"Your Majesty!" Claire rushed over and grabbed him. "Don't get angry, I'll make him leave."

The king tried hard to calm himself down. Louis was wholeheartedly researching the antidote for him and was completely unavailable. He had to guard his backyard from catching fire!

"Good-for-nothing!" The king clutched his chest and glared at Tyler with a cold tone. "Get out of here quickly!"

Tyler was very dissatisfied. He could hardly believe that his father, who had always doted on him, would get so angry over this seemingly trivial matter.

Not only to kick him out of here, but also never let him in again.

Was it necessary to make such a big fuss?

"What are you still dawdling around for? Get the hell out of here!" The king stared at him tightly with cold black eyes, and the words he uttered did not sound pleasing at all.

Tyler's body seemed to be frozen. His unwillingness was soon shrouded in grief, because he could not bear his father's serious and disgusted attitude.

He felt wronged.

"Let's go, Prince." Iden urged and reminded him on the side. "The king is in poor health. Don't provoke him again. Please leave."

Tyler gradually regained his composure. Even though he really wanted to argue with his father, he chose to leave.

After all, he could not anger his father to death. His father already had an illness.

When he glanced at Claire, looking at her vigilant eyes, and seeing her very annoying appearance, Tyler only felt hurt inside.

"Prince, let's go." Iden was still whispering urgently.

Tyler was annoyed inside, and he narrowed his eyes and yanked his backpack from Iden's hand, then strode towards the door!

The king had a very strong aura that deterred Tyler and did not dare to look him in the eye. When he passed by his father, he kept lowering his eyes and inevitably quickened his pace.

Iden followed behind him.


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