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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1691

Chapter 1691 Ivan's Certain Guess

The king also knew his son would agree, but he still had to say it.

He sighed again, somewhat sadly closing his eyes.

The image of a little girl flashed through the king's mind. After so many years, her innocent and lovely smile was still fresh in his memory.

"After all these years, there is still no trace of Annie. I don't know if she is dead or alive." This would probably become the king's biggest regret in this life.

At the mention of his sister, Rowan's heart also stung. This was the deepest wound in his heart. Although it had long scarred over, even the slightest touch would make it bleed profusely again.

That extreme pain and grief quickly filled Rowan's eyes with tears. He felt very upset and guilty.

He said, "I'm very sorry that after searching for clues all this time, I've found nothing."

"Perhaps this is fate..." The king heaved a heavy sigh, closing his eyes again. "If she is still alive, if we are destined to meet, I believe you will be able to find each other. As for me... I probably won't make it to that day. If you do meet, please tell her I'm sorry on my behalf, and then... hold her tight."

With tears in his eyes, Rowan nodded. "Alright." His expression was filled with grief, and his mood was extremely heavy.

The father and son were having an open-hearted talk in the bedroom. Rowan was also keeping track of the time, feeding the king some more of the 'sour plum soup' in small doses over time, which would definitely help the medicine absorb better.

Outside the palace entrance, the burly figure of Eiden stood with a grave expression, his brow slightly furrowed, and no one knew what he was thinking. He gave off a very shrewd impression and had an imposing aura about him.

In the entire royal family, he also held a high position of power.

Claire followed Ivan back to his residence. The architects who had come with them had already gone to the construction site, and the progress on building the castle had not slowed down at all, with everyone clear on the division of labor.

So it was just the two of them in the palace, and the servants had also been sent away.

"The culprit will be Eiden," Ivan told her with certainty.


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