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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1697

Chapter 1697 There is a Glimmer of New Hope Again

Jennifer told him about King Lu Layeka being poisoned, and also told him about Rowan's prince identity, as well as all the current situation over there.

"The king coughed up blood today, his face was pale, his lips were purple," Jennifer said with some sadness, "The symptoms are exactly the same as described in the medical books."

A few words flashed through his mind - it's the final stage.

"I brought some medicine over for him, but he only took it today. I'm going to make some more, I just went to the village to get some herbs," Jennifer was not confident, "I can only do my best."

"There's another person who has seen the medical book, his name is Kai," when thinking of this person, Jack Adams also sighed, "He was also your master's disciple, but after your master died, this Kai also disappeared into thin air."

"Is there a copy of the medical book? Did he take it with him?" This was the first thought that flashed through Jennifer's mind. If it wasn't him, who else could it be?

This was her master's research, there was no such coincidence in the world.

And her words just now were something Jack Adams had not considered at all.

At this moment, he actually felt a sense of sudden realization!

"I see!" He suddenly had a strong hunch, "Although he didn't have time to read it all, he must have made a copy! He was a greedy man to begin with!"

So it was very likely that this Kai was the murderer. Was this person in the Lu Layeka royal family?

"He didn't take the medical book with him, only because he didn't want to arouse suspicion. And your master's death must also be related to him!" Jack Adams said firmly. He was recalling, "This man has an extremely strong jealousy. The medical theories that my master passed on to him, he always secretly studied them for poisons, and then sold them at high prices to criminals. This matter was first discovered by your master."

"What... My master's death was related to him?"

"Very likely."

Jennifer felt her scalp tingle... There was actually such a person in the sect? This was too scary.

"But not long after, your master died, and this Kai disappeared. There were signs that the medical book had been flipped through."


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