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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1700

Chapter 1700: Monica Blames Herself to Death

They watched as Algerone walked into the living room holding a bunch of roses, a joyful smile on his face like a young man in love.

Monica gazed in the direction his back disappeared, extremely happy. "Who would've thought Dad is still such a romantic, sending roses every now and then with the flowers in the vase not yet withered."

"He'll do his best to make up for those missing years," seeing this scene, Tristan also felt very gratified. "Actually men are boys until death."

"You know? My mom looks strong, but she's actually very feminine inside, she gets touched by these cheap little details."

"Because she's not lacking money, she doesn't need material satisfaction at all," Tristan hit the nail on the head. "Women care a lot about details, but men always overlook them."

"That's right," Monica was truly delighted, she felt life was getting better and better. "They will definitely be happy for the rest of their lives, after missing out on so many years, they'll cherish each other doubly."

"Looks like we can quietly prepare a wedding for them," Tristan already had his own plans, he also agreed with her viewpoint very much. "Monica, shall we wait here now? Or leave first?"

"Let's leave, give them more time. Look how excited he is, he probably won't come out for a while." Monica couldn't help but joke.


Just as Tristan started the car and was about to leave, Algerone rushed out carrying the unconscious Belinda! That sudden panic reflected in their eyes!

The smiles on Tristan and Monica's faces froze, their chests thumped heavily, they almost simultaneously unlocked their seatbelts and rushed out!



She was clearly unconscious, but they didn't know what had happened.

Algerone carried Belinda to the front of the car, he couldn't free his hands to open the door. He looked up, Monica and Tristan were rushing over!


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