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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1719

Chapter 1719 Close Call

Soon, the king's majestic and magnificent palace was in sight. There were four guards at the gate, and Jolie could tell at a glance that they were Eden's men.

Everyone walked up to the gate side by side. The guards bowed respectfully and said, "Queen, captain, Mr. Marsh."

Before Catherine could speak, Eden appeared out of nowhere and quickly walked over.

In the light that gradually intensified, Jennifer's gaze fell on this man. When she saw his build and his face, she couldn't help but hold her breath!

"Queen," Eden greeted politely when he got close, his voice seeming devoid of emotion.

"Please go announce that we've come to visit the king today," Catherine said coolly but firmly. She disliked Eden immensely.

Jennifer drew in a subtle breath. Seemingly nonchalant, she reined in her gaze, but waves rose in her heart.

"I'm afraid not, Queen," Eden rejected directly, maintaining a professional demeanor. He bowed deeply again and said, "The king made it very clear that day..."

Not far inside the palace, Claire had just come downstairs. When she looked up, she caught the scene at the palace gate in one glance.

Her heart thumped heavily!

Without thinking too much, she swiftly strode towards the king's bedchamber!

Soon, she arrived outside the bedchamber and anxiously turned the doorknob directly, only to find the door locked!

Panicked and anxious, she quickly glanced back. No one was coming.

But she couldn't ring the doorbell now, so she knocked on the door with the most appropriate force.

Heart racing, she kept knocking persistently while praying and chanting in her heart - open the door quickly!

Finally, the door opened, and her eyes met Rowan's!

Seeing her, Rowan seemed a little surprised.

Claire swiftly updated him about the situation outside, "Sister Jennifer is here with Mr. Marsh. They are being stopped by Eden outside the palace gate, along with Catherine and Jolie."

After listening, Rowan's pupils instantly contracted. "I see." Then he closed the door.


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