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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725: Meeting Claire

Jolie's conclusion shocked Catherine greatly!

"What?!" She could hardly accept it and couldn't help laughing, "Ivan is the person I want to win over! How could he possibly have a relationship with Louis? Are you sure you didn't get it wrong?"

"I'm sure I didn't get it wrong," Jolie said calmly. "I'll send someone to investigate. We'll have the results soon. I'm telling you now so you can be mentally prepared."

"..." Catherine sat in the chair, feeling a little panicked inside.

"Your Majesty," Jolie changed the topic, "Did anything unusual happen in the king's bedroom earlier?"

Catherine thought it over again and again, then shook her head, "No, Mrs. Marsh didn't even get to say a few words to the king. The king is in poor health, even his voice sounded weak."

"What about her and Louis?" Jolie still felt something was off. "Did they interact at all?"

The woman thought again and shook her head again, "No, there was no interaction at all. Ivan didn't either. They don't know Louis at all!"

"I'll go see Claire and find out if they know each other or not." With that, Jolie turned and walked out.

"Wait!" Catherine quickly got up and called after her.

Jolie had no choice but to stop. She glanced back slightly.

Catherine strode towards her, "Jolie, don't offend Claire just because of your wrong judgement. She's Ivan's sister!"

"I know," the woman replied lightly. "I'm not going to cause her trouble, I just want to ask around. Don't worry, I know my limits." After saying that, she quickly strode out.

Catherine didn't try to stop her either, because she also wanted to know the answer.

With Jolie's keen senses, in all these years, her judgements on every matter have hardly ever been wrong.

After Jolie left, Catherine sat back down in the chair.

She reconsidered the doubts raised earlier. If it wasn't a coincidence, there was no way to explain it.

At this moment, Claire received a WeChat message from Ivan. She was on her way here under the pretext of catching up with her sister-in-law.


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