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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1732

Chapter 1732: Dealing According to the Law

"Your Majesty, I have a bad premonition that something big will happen." Jolie's instincts were strong. She said heavily, "Something major will happen."

"You're always so paranoid. I'm scared to death by you." Catherine could not understand her feelings at all. "Even if Ivan and Louis were friends before, Ivan is definitely not a bad person. His international reputation is solid and he looks decent too."

"He concealed their relationship, so he must be up to no good." Jolie was very rational, emphasizing again, "Should you ask him about it?"

"Didn't you send someone to secretly observe him?" Catherine did not want to poke holes in the window paper so quickly. "Let's wait a little longer before asking."

Jolie did not insist anymore. She felt it was fine to wait and just be vigilant.

However, Jolie did not sleep well that night, kept awake by the flashing lightning and rumbling thunder. Her heart was uneasy.

Catherine did not sleep well either. The freakish weather made her a little scared. Even with two servants guarding outside, she still felt afraid.

In the entire royal palace, many people did not sleep well tonight.

The weather was truly a once in decades occurrence. Though it did not rain, the howling wind when lightning flashed gave a horror movie feel. Curtains undrawn, the lightning illuminated faces to look pale and ghostly.

In Eden's palace, he stood by the bedroom window in his robes, his expression cold and a trace of ferocity.

The room was unlit. With each flash of lightning like giant dragons flicking before him, he nearly went blind from the flashes.

After standing there for who knows how long like a lone soul, Eden was finally a bit sleepy.

He turned and got into bed, wrapped in his sleep robe.

In the King's palace, Rowan had just fed him 'plum soup' and taken his pulse again. His condition had improved again today, to Rowan's relief.

"Father, do you support tomorrow night's actions?" Sitting at his bedside, Rowan had outlined the detailed plans and wanted to ask his opinion.


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