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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734 Eden Rushes to the Royal Palace

The next morning, it started raining all over Lu Layeka, a constant pitter patter that didn't stop.

Long silver threads fell to the ground, splashing countless droplets of water. The whole sky was grey.

The sound of the rainwater was everywhere.

The first thing Eden did after getting up was to hurriedly go to the royal palace. He wanted to see what state the king was in, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to eat breakfast in peace.

"Uncle Eden, good morning."

In the magnificent, prestigious palace, the servants bowed respectfully to him. They were rather surprised that he had come so early, as he usually came after breakfast.

Eden walked very quickly, seeming rushed. He didn't pay any attention to the servants, and headed straight for the bedchamber with an imposing manner.

Soon, the young Arthur appeared in his line of sight.

"Good morning, Master," Arthur stopped and stood respectfully not far away.

Recalling Arthur's actions in the dream, Eden couldn't help but slow his pace, his gaze towards Arthur becoming a few degrees colder. Was this boy really loyal?

Arthur felt a bit uneasy under his stare. "Master... did something happen?"

Eden gazed at him solemnly for a while, seeing that he looked obedient and loyal, and didn't seem cunning or likely to betray him.

"How is the king's condition?" Eden stopped in front of him.

Arthur sighed, looking very sad. "He coughed up blood again just now, and it was black this time. Prince Louis has been keeping vigil, he's gotten quite haggard these days too."

He knew Arthur and Louis were childhood playmates, so it was normal for Arthur to feel bad for Louis.

Eden didn't waste too much time with him. His eyes flickered as he strode towards the king's bedchamber.

At this time, the king had just drank the 'sour plum soup' and was lying down again. Louis glanced at the nearby spittoon, which contained some foul-smelling black liquid that looked just like blood.

Just then, Eden practically burst through the door!


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