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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1738

Chapter 1738 - Sneaking into Eden's Palace

Watching the girl's back as she went upstairs in the relatively dim light, Jolie's eyes were deep and dark. She had a cold look on her face, but eventually she also went up the stairs.

The rain poured down, baptizing the whole world.

Hearing the soft footsteps behind her, Claire glanced back slightly. Her peripheral vision looked back to see that Jolie had indeed followed.

Since she was here, she definitely wouldn't cause trouble, she just wanted to participate and see what was going on.

As Jolie followed Claire past the second floor staircase turn, she also went up towards the third floor, thinking to herself that they had already figured out Eden lived on the third floor?

So Claire's words were still somewhat credible?

On the third floor, the palace was very spacious. The lights were warm yellow, quiet to the point of being a little desolate.

Ivan met Rowan and the King with Jennifer. The four of them came together.

"Where's Claire? Why hasn't she come up yet?" Jennifer asked softly. "Didn't you come together?"

Just as Rowan was about to worry about her, the door opened.

Everyone stopped in their tracks, hearts jumping, and looked up.

Fortunately the person who came in was Claire.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Jolie's face appeared behind Claire, and they were startled again, becoming more vigilant.

Claire knew she was late. "Hurry up and hide, Eden might be coming up soon."

After speaking, she glanced back at the woman behind her, "I told her our plan and she followed me."

"Your Majesty," Jolie's gaze had been on the middle-aged man the whole time. She was shocked inside - Claire wasn't lying.

Jolie took two steps forward and bowed respectfully.

The King, supported by Rowan, with a cane in his right hand, nodded slightly without saying much. "Let's act according to the plan."

Ivan looked at Jolie, then put his arm around Jennifer's shoulders and turned away.

Rowan supported his father and Claire pulled Jolie along as they walked forward. Jolie followed behind her.


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