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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1752

Chapter 1752: Taylor's True Thoughts

Catherine gazed into his eyes as if she wanted to delve into the depths of his soul. After a moment of contemplation, she asked earnestly, "Taylor, do you want to inherit the throne? Do you want to be king?"

Taylor, prepared for a weighty philosophical question, was taken aback by what followed.

"Taylor, don't overthink it, and don't worry about anyone else's feelings. I'm just asking about your inner thoughts. Do you want it?"

She wanted to have a good conversation with her son, to understand his truest thoughts. As she looked at him intently, the message in her eyes was already clear- as long as Taylor wanted to be king, as a mother, she would do her utmost to help him.

Although conflicted within, a mother's dedication to her son always knows no bounds.

However, Taylor shook his head, showing not even a hint of interest in the throne. Since his mother had sincerely inquired, he answered truthfully, "I don't want to inherit the throne, nor do I want to rule the country. To me, these things are all just passing clouds. I want to live a life without worries, without responsibilities, isn't that great?"

"Then do you have dreams? Ambitions?" Catherine worried that her son might become aimless. "Is there something that makes you happy? Besides horseback riding and skiing, do you have desires?"

At his young age, could he already feel disillusioned?

"Yes," Taylor replied. The image of a girl flashed through his mind. He lifted his glass of milk again, and a faint smile crept onto his lips. "If I could be with Claire, if she would agree to be my girlfriend, then every day, for me, would be sweet, wouldn't it?"


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