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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1763

Chapter 1763: The Necessity of an Apology

Taylor knew his mother had arrived and struggled to calm himself, closing his eyes tightly and furrowing his brow, attempting to dispel the pain.

He didn't want his mother to worry.

Seeing her son with blood on his lips, his disheveled appearance, and the two wine glasses on the table, along with the remnants of wine in the bottle, Catherine felt both heartache and anger!

Catherine was seething. Her voice low, she asked, "Taylor! Did you have ill intentions towards Claire?!"

Taylor was taken aback. His mother didn't care about him? Instead, she was siding with someone else?

He slowly looked up at his mother and was met with her gaze... and a rare flash of anger.

Catherine was waiting for his response, and Taylor realized that all eyes were on him, none sympathetic.

"Speak up!" His mother's impatience grew.

With her shout, Taylor was instantly more alert. He knew he couldn't hide his actions today and attempted to first extingu his mother's anger.

So, he averted his eyes, and said lightly, "It was... unsuccessful..."

Upon hearing this, Catherine's eyes widened in anger, and she was almost fuming! She clenched her fists at her waist, "Unacceptable!" and directly kicked her son in the stomach!

Julie was caught off guard and couldn't intervene.

"Ah..." Taylor let out a cry and staggered back a couple of steps, clutching his stomach. He couldn't fathom why his mother had kicked him. As he looked up, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

"Taylor!" Catherine roared at him, "Have you lost your mind? Do you understand the implications of your actions? Disgraceful!"

"I..." Taylor was speechless, feeling pain all over his body.

"Apologize! Minimize the impact!" Catherine's mind was exceptionally clear at this moment.


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