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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1766

Chapter 1766: Considering the Big Picture

This scene left Julie feeling astonished!

Catherine was also stunned!

Rowan and Claire were shaken, all eyes focused on Prince Taylor, who was kneeling, his hair disheveled, his face sporting bruises, and his lips stained with blood.

Rowan appeared calm, unmoved by the situation, his inner anger not diminished by this act of kneeling.

"Bro, I was wrong!" Taylor looked up at him, thick-skinned and said, "Just forgive me! I really know I was wrong!"

The term "bro" struck a chord in Rowan's heart, playing the family card.

Rowan's indifferent face showed no emotion, but inside, he was somewhat moved because this address from Taylor... should be difficult for him, right?

Catherine and Julie were still a bit dazed. Taylor actually called him bro?!

"Claire, I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Seeing no response from his brother, Taylor knelt beside the girl next to his brother. He looked genuinely apologetic, and said pitifully, "I really know I was wrong. Shall I write you a self-criticism?"

Write a self-criticism??

Isn't that what children do?

But at this moment, Taylor was like a child who had done wrong, with his mother by his side and his brother's wife in front of him.

As long as he sincerely and earnestly apologized, the elders wouldn't pursue the matter further, so his father wouldn't find out.

Claire suddenly felt sorry for him. Taylor's actions were truly disheartening. He failed to achieve his goal, got beaten, knelt down, and now apologized...

So, she turned her gaze towards the man beside her.


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