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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1768

Chapter 1768: Taylor Writes a Serious Self-Criticism

"Yes, yes, yes..." The royal physician hurriedly bowed and restrained his curiosity. He turned and walked inside.

Katherine felt distressed about her son and naturally accompanied him. She needed to know the extent of her son's condition, whether he had any serious injuries.

As they reached the study, they found the door was locked.

The royal physician glanced at the queen and, upon receiving permission, gently rang the doorbell and called out, "Your Highness? Please open the door. I'm here to assess your injuries."

At that moment, Taylor sat at his desk, wearing headphones and holding a pen. In front of him lay an unfolded A4 paper. His world was quiet.

This silence made him more acutely aware of his mistake. He couldn't understand how he had been so foolish at that time. How could he have done such a thing? It was terrifying! Fortunately, he hadn't succeeded. Otherwise, he would never have forgiven himself.

Upon hearing about Claire's engagement to Louis, he had completely lost his composure!

Now, as he sat and contemplated, he realized how foolish the whole thing was. What difference did it have from a crime?

Could love be seized? Plundered?

He didn't hate Louis for hitting him. He was glad Louis had arrived in time and that he hadn't harmed Claire. If he had succeeded just now, he would have regretted it bitterly for the rest of his life.

This boy had some goodness in him; there was still a trace of kindness in his heart.

Even the earlier bow was sincere, as was the word "brother" that had come straight from the heart.

So every word he wrote with the pen now was a genuine apology... As he wrote, he was struck by a kind of heart-wrenching pain, which overshadowed the physical pain.

Outside the door, the royal physician couldn't open it. He could only lower his head and take a small step back, waiting for them to figure out a solution.

He was only responsible for treating injuries; it wasn't his fault that the door couldn't be opened, was it?


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