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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1796

Chapter 1796: Clever Monica

She cautiously glanced towards the door, her heart pounding with excitement as she quickly opened the album, feeling like she had discovered a treasure trove-each photo was of the two of them!

There were wedding photos, day-to-day life photos, some taken in summer, and some in winter, at least several dozen in total.

Monica was beyond excited, her heart racing with joy. She swiftly forwarded each photo to her own phone, her movements swift and efficient. As she watched the silent phone successfully receive each one, a smile spread across her face.

After forwarding all these photos, she deleted the records in Algerone's chat box, achieving complete stealth.

As Monica opened the door, she handed the phone back to her father, and it promptly rang.

Algerone glanced at the caller ID, then stood up to answer. "Hello, Minister Zhang," he said with a warm tone and a smile.

Listening attentively to the other party, both women watched as he nodded and said, "Alright, are you here? I'll be right over. Sure, see you in a bit."

After the call, Algerone turned to the mother and daughter, "Um... I need to go back to the office for a bit. Monica, stay here with your mother for a while."

"Sure, go ahead," Monica said, understanding.

Algerone looked at Belinda, "I'm leaving then?"

"Go on, go on!" Belinda waved him off.

As the middle-aged man left, just as he reached the door, he stepped towards the elevator, checked his call history-strange, Monica hadn't called Tristan just now.

Then why did she take his phone? And why hide in the adjacent room and close the door?

Entering the elevator, Algerone checked the phone again but found nothing unusual.

In the hospital room, Monica sent all the photos she had just received to Tristan. She operated her phone while chatting with Belinda.


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