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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1813

Chapter 1813: Monica's Concern

At night, Tristan brought Monica back to his villa. These days, he always brought her home because he was really worried about leaving her alone at her place. He was a true gentleman, arranging a guest room for her and getting up in the middle of the night to tuck her in, always taking care of her because he loved her. Since the results of the paternity test came out, Tristan could sense that she was clearly not in a good mood. So, he postponed the company's affairs, always staying by her side and not saying anything.

Entering the living room, Tristan took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, fetched two tall glasses, and took her upstairs to the rooftop terrace. The gentle, slightly cool evening breeze always managed to dispel some of the worries from her heart. The rooftop environment was lovely, with rose vines entwined on the railing and the lights emitting a warm, cozy glow.

Monica sat down in the wicker chair and looked up at the stars in the sky. Tristan poured two glasses of red wine, placed one on the table in front of her, then sat across from her. "Monica, you have to make a decision," he softly broached the topic of the evening.

The girl returned to her senses and slowly met his gaze, then heard him say, "Dr. Watson is giving you time, but he definitely needs an answer."

When it came time to face this question, Monica's feelings were very complex. She also had to admit that for the past few hours, she had been avoiding, not really willing to face it, even though she knew that avoiding it was not a solution at all.

"To be honest, what I'm most worried about now is Belinda and Algerone. This situation should have a big psychological impact on them," emotionally speaking, these two people were more important to her. In Monica's memory, her biological parents had no impression at all. Suddenly, they emerged, and besides being shocked, she didn't have much personal emotion.

Tristan took a sip of red wine, understanding her thoughts. "But this matter also has a great impact on Dr. Watson and his family. For them, you might be the only missing piece. They have been searching for you for many years, suffering through countless nights of sadness and helplessness. Their hearts, perhaps, have long been riddled with holes."


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