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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1815

Chapter 1815: The Siblings' First Meeting

As the car was nearing the hospital, Tristan's phone rang. He released her hand and put on his Bluetooth earphones. "Hello," he answered. After listening to the other person, he continued, "Alright, I can come around nine o'clock, I guess."

But the person on the other end asked if he could come a bit earlier. Tristan thought for a moment and changed his response, "How about eight-thirty then?"

Monica listened to their conversation and understood that he was busy today. She turned her gaze towards him and considerately said in a soft voice, "It's okay, you can go to the company first and drop me off at the hospital entrance."

Tristan was indeed in a difficult situation because there was an urgent matter at the company that required his personal attention. So, he changed his response again, "Okay, I'll come right away."

Going to the hospital was on the way to the company.

After ending the call, Tristan looked at the girl sitting in the passenger seat and said, "Monica, you go up and accompany Auntie. I'll come over as soon as I'm done with the company's matters."

"Okay," the girl smiled gently. "You can rest assured and go take care of your work. Mom's condition is stable now, and there won't be any unexpected situations."

They didn't discuss the issue of blood relationship today because Tristan had already talked about it last night.

He would give her enough time to digest it and wouldn't put any pressure on her.

Soon, Tristan's car stopped at the hospital entrance.

After Monica got out of the car, she bent down and waved at him. "Goodbye, drive safely."

"Goodbye," Tristan's gaze was deep and gentle. In his eyes, this girl was the most perfect girl in the world.

No matter what happened, he would be by her side, and regardless of her identity, he would marry her.

He watched her take steps inside until her figure disappeared, then he started the car and left.


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