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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1822

Chapter 1822: Friends as Witnesses

"Tom, do you like girls like Monica?" Jane asked softly, as if she had sensed something.

"She's quite attractive and pleasant to be around," Tom Fritz didn't hesitate to express his admiration. He had a good relationship with his mother, and they were open about their thoughts and feelings with each other.

Jane had also noticed that Tom was usually indifferent towards women, but his gaze had lingered on Monica earlier.

"You've been running the company for a while now, and there are plenty of talented women there. Have you found anyone suitable?" Jane asked.

"No," he replied quickly, without any attempt to conceal it.

Finding someone who truly captures your heart must be difficult, Jane sighed inwardly. After all, her son's marriage was currently her most pressing concern. Tom wasn't getting any younger.

At this moment, Rowan arrived with Claire, Ivan came with Jennifer, and Finnley appeared with Mya. Everyone gathered at the romantically decorated café, which served as a special wedding venue.

The spacious and bright interior was adorned with decorations that extended to the courtyard, creating a serene and somewhat bourgeois atmosphere. Pink curtains and light blue balloons provided a backdrop, while roses, lilies, and comforting carnations were scattered throughout.

Melodic and soothing background music played as more than twenty mutual friends of Belinda and Algerone arrived. They rarely had the chance to meet, with some having not seen each other in seven or eight years, and others in over a decade. Today, they were all delighted to be together.

"Kim, you have wrinkles now. My impression of you is still stuck in high school, with the image of you playing basketball. How many girls' youthful memories were intertwined with that image?"

"Mary, you haven't changed a bit. Still so gentle and giving off a delicate and vulnerable aura. Your hair looks great, so dark and lustrous, full of youthful vibes."

"Belinda must look stunning today. She's wearing a wedding dress for the same man for the second time, after over twenty years. What kind of fate is this?"

"It's the charm of our Algerone!"

Everyone gathered happily, chatting away and eagerly awaiting their arrival.

"Monica, where are we going?" Belinda couldn't help but ask from the car. She had no idea that her daughter and son-in-law had secretly prepared a wedding for her.

Algerone was also clueless. "Isn't it too early for dinner? What's the plan?" It couldn't be just taking everyone out to eat.


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