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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1884

Chapter 1884: Let's Make a Deal

Even though she rarely updated her social media, he had been following her for a decade. It became a habit, and he remembered every word of her updates. Due to the countless times he had read them, he unknowingly memorized them all.

But what good did memorizing them do? They were like a spell.

Unknowingly, dawn broke.

Spencer had no intention of going to the club today. Sleep-deprived, he was in no mood and felt exhausted.

Around seven in the morning, his phone rang. It was Ivan calling.

He answered without speaking, and Ivan asked, "Where are you?"

"At home," he replied, still sounding weary.

"Are you going to the club?" Ivan asked, "I have something to discuss with you."

"Not going. Why are you looking for me?" Spencer casually asked.

But Ivan didn't respond. Instead, he hung up and drove to Spencer's house.

It wasn't until several minutes later that the distinctive Lamborghini stopped in Spencer's villa yard.

Did he really come so early? What could be so urgent at this hour?

Spencer couldn't figure it out. In his pajamas, he directly went downstairs.

As Ivan entered, Spencer on the stairs saw him holding a file. Was there some business?

"What's wrong? Didn't sleep well?" Ivan's gaze fell on Spencer's face, with noticeable dark circles under his eyes, looking like he had pulled an all-nighter.

Summer's figure still lingered in Spencer's mind. Despite following her updates, he had no clue about her whereabouts.

But even if he knew, what difference would it make?


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