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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1907

Chapter 1907: Visiting the Hospital for Information

Andrew had no choice but to go to the hospital, but why was he going there?

Before he could even ask, Mr. Marsh had already disappeared from his sight.

Ivan drove himself to the hospital, not accompanied by a driver.

Of course, he knew which ward Bubu was staying in, as Andrew had told him before.

However, this was his first time coming here.

Taking the elevator up, he arrived outside the ward and peeked through the small window, witnessing a scene inside where a boy was sitting by a girl's bedside, reading a book to her.

Normally, such a scene would not be disturbed, so Ivan hesitated.

"Do you want to tell a story, but you're just reading one. Reciting from a book and showcasing your talent?" Agnes teased him, taking the book from his hands with a smile. "Ansel, you've kept me company for so long, go rest."

She looked apologetically at him. "Really, go. As a good friend, I'm starting to worry."

"I haven't been discharged yet. How can I leave you alone?"

"My sister will come after work. I told her, she'll stay with me for the night, and I'll be discharged tomorrow, right? The doctor also said there's no major issue."

Is she trying to get him to leave?

The boy was a bit upset, feeling slightly disappointed. "Agnes, I..."

"Go, I want to rest for a while." The girl softly interrupted. She didn't want to hear his confession again and had rejected him countless times, finding it difficult to say no anymore.

At that moment, the door of the ward was gently pushed open, and Ivan walked in.

Upon hearing the door opening, Ansel turned, and Agnes looked up. Her eyes widened in surprise as she forgot to breathe for a moment!!

Mr. Marsh??

Although she had never met him in person, she had seen him on TV!!

She had seen him in interviews, and in financial reports!


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