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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1914

Chapter 1914: Slapped in the Face

"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional," Summer tried to calm the situation, explaining, "It was my own fault, and has nothing to do with Miss Angel."

"It was all Angel's doing!" the female artist exploded in the dressing room, her voice rising, "You deliberately didn't let me wear the most beautiful dress!"

Summer knew she was in the wrong, but she didn't expect her to have such a bad temper, completely different from the sweet smile she had just asked for help with.

"No," Summer stood tall, explaining once more, "This lady, it was my fault, but I want to point out that I was forcefully bumped at the dressing room door, the speed was fast, as if she came out of nowhere. If we're talking about responsibility, I suggest checking the surveillance at the door first to see what happened."

Did she just say so much?

The female artist was momentarily intimidated by her presence, her mind going blank for a moment.

At that moment, Summer met her gaze and spoke again, "If you wash now, it definitely won't be in time, but if you choose another outfit now, there will still be time."

"You..." the female artist was very angry, unable to speak properly, and raised her hand, delivering a hard slap to Summer's cheek!


Summer couldn't dodge in time, the slap landing on her face!

The crisp sound of the slap caught the attention of many around, Summer turned her face after being hit, a sharp pain spreading from her cheek to her ear.

Everyone gasped, some shocked, some wide-eyed.

Summer gritted her teeth, quickly regained her composure, and turned to look at the female artist who had slapped her, her eyes shooting anger.

When the female artist met her gaze, she couldn't help but shiver slightly.

Summer felt like there was something more to this situation, but the surveillance here wasn't something she could easily access.


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