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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1919

Chapter 1919: Receiving the Role in a Peculiar Way

Summer felt Angel's gaze on her, recalling Sophia Violet's words downstairs earlier that day about Angel orchestrating the events. However, Summer trusted her instincts and did not have concrete evidence, merely remaining cautious and not fully believing.

"Summer, what is your relationship with Mr. Marsh?" Angel inquired, her tone teasing as she rose from the sofa to scrutinize her with a condescending look, insinuatingly asking if she was Mr. Marsh's lover.

Summer felt as though she would explode! Every nerve in her body tensed, a cold glint flashing in her eyes. "Of course not!" she replied firmly.

The two women locked eyes, and Summer remembered the day she was summoned by Mr. Marsh, an incident known only to her.

"Are you just speculating and spreading rumors on purpose?" Summer stared at her, suppressing her anger. "I overheard such discussions in the elevator."

"If you want to keep something a secret, don't do it in the first place. I don't believe that there's nothing between you and Mr. Marsh," Angel disdainfully remarked before turning and leaving.

Before departing, Adelaide informed Summer, "Starting today, you are no longer Angel's assistant. The director will come to see you shortly. Take care of yourself."

Summer was speechless!

Shortly after, the director indeed arrived and handed her a script. Indifferently, he said, "Prepare yourself. You have your first scene at 8 AM tomorrow. I hope you don't have too many NGs, as it will affect the filming schedule. I don't care who you are associated with, I'll replace you either way."

With that, the director walked off without glancing back at her. A moment ago, he didn't even give her a proper look.

Summer took the script, feeling bewildered.

She landed a role??

In such a bizarre manner??

Why did Sophia Violet leave? Why did Mr. Marsh let her go?

Was it because of the morning incident? Did Mr. Marsh stand up for her? How was that possible? Mr. Marsh was always busy, how could he have time to intervene?


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