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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1945

Chapter 1945: Spencer Takes the Initiative

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Spencer gently and caringly inquired.

The girl wondered if her dark circles were truly noticeable. Feeling slightly embarrassed by his question, she replied with a faint smile, "I'm fine."

Remembering Elisa's words from the previous day, Summer felt it was the perfect time to express her gratitude. She looked into his eyes and earnestly said, "Thank you for yesterday."

"Which part are you referring to?" Spencer seemed interested in engaging with her, holding a coffee cup and wearing a slightly playful expression, feigning forgetfulness like a nobleman, his deep gaze fixed on the girl's face.

By continuing the conversation, he prolonged their time alone together. Summer pondered for a moment.

He gently reminded her, "We went over the script yesterday, discussed your role, I spoke up for you in front of the director, and helped diffuse the situation with the reporters. So, Miss Summer, which part are you thanking me for?"

In just one day, Summer owed him so many favors, making her feel quite embarrassed.

"The most important thing is you defusing the situation with the reporters. Without you, today's news... would probably be unsightly, right?" Her tone conveyed a mix of relief and resignation.

Upon waking up that morning, her first task was to check the news. Seeing no reports of any scandal with Mr. Marsh, she let out a long sigh of relief. Otherwise, stepping out today would have exposed her to rotten eggs. Spencer understood the gravity of the situation.

Meeting her gaze, he nodded, "Yes, but is a simple 'thank you' all you have to offer?"

Huh? The girl was slightly taken aback, seeing a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Spencer thought for a moment before suggesting, "How about you treat me and my agent to dinner? Just the three of us, shouldn't be too costly."


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