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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1950

Chapter 1950: Angel, are you looking for trouble?

"What's wrong? Miss Summer, do you feel a sense of familiarity towards me?" Spencer asked softly.

He suddenly felt a bit scared, scared that she hadn't fallen in love with him again. If she regained her memory, would she still leave decisively like before?

Spencer's charm had not yet been emitted in front of her, would she still dislike him like before?

Summer smiled and shook her head, "No, I just feel... we're not that unfamiliar."

"Perhaps, we've met in a past life," Spencer jokingly said to her, "When souls recognize each other, there's a feeling of instant connection. That's why some people can become friends quickly, while others, even after three years, can't get close."

Summer was amused by him.

Not far away, Angel and the director sat down, both feeling uneasy.

Spencer was very perceptive. From the director's hesitation and attempt to turn back when entering, he could tell that their private relationship was not ordinary.

Why hasn't Elisa returned yet? Summer was starting to feel restless.

She felt that being alone with Spencer would be awkward... and she was worried about being photographed. It would be indefensible then.

So, Summer smiled slightly and said to him, "I'm going to the restroom." Then she got up and left.

Spencer leaned back in his chair, picked up his cup, and casually looked at the girl's figure. It was fine not to look, but once he did, he noticed that Angel also got up and followed Summer.

Spencer's gaze darkened slightly. He put down his cup, got up, and followed her.

He wanted to protect his Summer!

As for Angel, in her high heels, she crossed her arms and glared at Summer's back, following her steps without noticing the person behind her.



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