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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1955

Chapter 1955: Angel is Eager

In the early morning, Angel was in high spirits. She woke up early, had a nutritious breakfast, did her makeup like Belinda, and hopped into the car heading to the set, her mood filled with joy.

Her manager, Adelaide, by her side, asked, "What's got you so happy?"

"Of course, good things!" she said with a smile, dragging out the end of her sentence.

Leaning back in her seat, she looked out the window with a content expression as the beautiful morning light streamed in, illuminating her face, filled with hyaluronic acid.

After a while, Angel turned her gaze back to the script, casually flipping through the pages with her fair, slender fingers.

Ah, she was quite pleased with today's shooting content!

Her lips curved slightly upwards, a hint of smugness, anticipation, and malicious coldness in her smile.

Remembering Summer's arrogant attitude towards her in the restroom yesterday, Angel's eyes sparkled with a hint of malice.

Who does she think she is? Just a newcomer, yet so audacious!

On set, in a large lounge room.

Upon Spencer's arrival, he immediately sought out the director and discussed his ideas about the day's shooting content.

"Spencer, sorry, but this drama doesn't allow acting beyond the script," the director mentioned the constraints, "It's a strict mandate from above. Imposing unrealistic scenes is not acceptable. Audiences are becoming more discerning, willing to pay, and we must show the proper attitude."

Spencer looked at him expressionlessly.

The director sighed softly, adding, "Because the script is excellent, I must handle it carefully. It's just a slap, not a gang beating scene. I think your concerns are excessive."

Is it?

Was he being overly cautious?

As an actor, Spencer knew precisely the professionalism expected of actors.


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