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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2022

Chapter 2022: Summer Listens to Spencer's Heartfelt Words

Summer and Spencer's gazes met, and for a moment, Summer was taken aback. He looked resolute, with a face full of justice, as if waiting for her praise. With a curious spark, Summer asked, "How many girls have you said this to before me?"

"You're the first, I swear," replied Spencer swiftly, understanding her question. He then asked, "Do you think I need sweet words to pursue girls?"

"What do you rely on then?"

Facing her gaze, Spencer thought carefully and replied, "On that damn charm of mine, I don't need sweet words at all. As long as I don't refuse, girls will flock to me."

Though his words sounded a bit arrogant, they were true. Summer looked at him intently, nodded, and then asked, "Do you... have feelings?"

Spencer hesitated for a moment, feeling like he had fallen into a pit.

"I'm curious," Summer, feeling like they had become friends, continued, "Have you experienced the pain of heartbreak? Have you felt the taste of longing? Do you know what it feels like to love someone?"

Spencer was stumped by her questions. What was she thinking? Did she think he hadn't experienced any of those emotions?

A smile played on Summer's lips as she remarked, "So you don't have feelings, right? No woman can touch your heart, and you don't believe in love, do you?"

Spencer replied seriously, "There's only one situation like that - having no heart, and I am still alive."

So, does he have a heart? Has he felt the pain of heartbreak and known the feeling of longing?

Spencer felt a bit annoyed and was eager to explain, looking at her seriously. "Summer, I... I hope you believe in your own judgment, believe in what you see. Time will prove everything. Many things online are just rumors, exaggerated."


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