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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2033

Chapter 2033: Spencer Has Something Very Important

"Hello, hello." The two girls quickly stood up, feeling quite surprised themselves. "I'm Summer." The girl extended her hand towards Monica, her voice gentle and soothing, "Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Monica." Monica shook the girl's hand, her smile sweet. Everyone warmly greeted each other, and Summer not only introduced Elisa to her but also invited them to sit and enjoy hot pot together. Since this was the spot where Monica and Tristan always sat whenever they came, and now with Summer's enthusiastic invitation, tonight proved to be fateful as they made a new friend. Thus, the couple did not refuse.

At Summer's invitation, Tristan and Monica sat down and ordered some more dishes... everyone began to chat happily.

As the departing car drove away, Angel glanced out the window, her face still swollen from the hyaluronic acid injections. "Come on, Angel, don't ruin your health getting angry over her, it's not worth it," Adelaide sat beside her, advising, "Look at your eyebrows, they're all knotted up."

"She took my spot! How could I not be angry?" Angel seethed with anger.

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it. She has a sponsor supporting her from behind," Adelaide observed coolly. "This is the power of capital, you know." Angel had snatched many roles from others herself before.

Angel was furious about being snatched away for the first time, especially when Spencer treated the situation differently. She affirmed decisively, "This Summer must have some kind of magic! Otherwise, this can't be explained! Why does everyone like her? What's so special about her?"

A woman who had always been strong-minded, how could she endure such humiliation? Angel did have a certain fondness for Spencer! She also wanted to develop feelings for him in order to boost her reputation. To think that this could have been a real possibility, and now it all seemed to have gone down the drain.

Adelaide, with her neat, short hair, had been analyzing this situation. "Angel, do you believe in magnetic fields?"

"What magnetic fields?"

"This Summer woman has a certain magnetic field," Adelaide had a feeling, "and her aura is quite similar to Mr. Marsh and his associates. Her future seems boundless."


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