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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2035

Chapter 2035: Summer Has a Boyfriend

"What?" the younger sister asked.

The corner of the older sister's lips curled up, her long eyelashes casting a faint shadow on her face. "He has a girlfriend, and it might be a secret relationship. There's no exposure online, and he protects that girl very well. His phone's notes are very important, but so far, the media hasn't dug it up."

"..." Agnes was shocked. That's a lot of information!

Protecting her so well? Is it true love?

"So, sis, don't think too much about it," Summer said. To be honest, Summer didn't believe that a man like Spencer would have real feelings. Making friends may be more of his strong suit.

The younger sister shook her head, seeming unfazed. "I knew it. A guy like him, how could he lack a woman by his side? It should be seamless, so if he tries to flirt with you, you have to firmly refuse."

The sisters' eyes met, and Summer explained, "It's just acting, why would he flirt with me? Besides, even if he likes me, how could I possibly like him?"

"Right, right, right. You have a boyfriend after all!"

Agnes breathed a sigh of relief and turned to open the refrigerator happily. As she got juice, she said, "By the way, sis, has Rupert mentioned when he'll be back? It's been nearly half a year since he went abroad."

"He'll be back soon," Summer said with a gentle smile. "He's been busy with exams lately, don't disturb him."

"I haven't, I've been busy too. It's been a while since I've video-called him. After studying abroad for a few years, he still wants to come back for you. In my opinion, he's doing it for you!"

Agnes looked touched, her voice as melodious as a silver bell. "Are you two getting married on October 1st? That's what the parents agreed on before."

Summer's smile was glowing. "Let's talk about it when he's back. After all, marriage is a huge deal, we need to discuss it. We only talked it over in passing that day."

"Right, right, right, right!" Agnes chuckled. "And let's see if he's prepared the betrothal gifts! My sister is not easily married off. How's the engagement ring coming along? Where's his sincerity?"

Agnes made Summer laugh, and in the bright room, the girl's laughter was warm and bright.

"Oh, by the way, sis, I have to get up early tomorrow," the younger sister said as she walked towards her with a twist of the bottle cap. "I'll probably leave at around six in the morning, there's an important meeting."

"Why so early?"

"Because the director needs to catch an 8 o'clock flight, so we all have to go early. Plus, someone was on a business trip last night and couldn't make it back."


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